- GBP 27.52 from BT Group P
- USD 59.74 from ABF PAIF
- GBP 18.09 from British Land Co PLC
- SGD 328.60 from STI ETF
- SGD 112.56 from Capitaland Commercial Trust
- SGD 53.25 from First REIT
- SGD 63.00 from Starhill Global REIT
- SGD 158.12 from Ascott REIT
- SGD 120.96 from Capitaland Mall Trust
Total dividends received as of 28 Feb 2017 was SGD 1,153.15, a +121.18% growth compared to SGD 521.36 in the same period last year. Portfolio return YTD was 1.75%, XIRR YTD was 11.45%, and XIRR since inception was 6.43% as of 28 Feb 2017. Equity allocation was 47.89%, and bond allocation was 52.11%.
Link to Yaruzi's low cost portfolio as of February 2017