Sunday, November 17, 2019

October 2019 - Yaruzi's Portfolio Update

I started with my new employer in October. I met new colleagues and was trying to settle in the new place. There were many things to learn about the new company and I needed to make a few adjustments like going to the office earlier than usual.

In regards to my portfolio, I made some changes. I sold off BT Group PLC, taking a loss of 18.46% after dividends. I also sold SIA Engineering, making a profit of 7.16% after dividends. I added 8300 ComfortDelgro, increasing my total holding to 10500 shares at average purchase price of $2.3890.


I received dividends of $484.53 in October, bringing total dividends to $11,558.69 YTD

DateSecurities NameFCYSGD
1-Oct-2019Tassal Group Ltd260.77 242.57
31-Oct-2019Heineken Malaysia Bhd747.04 241.97

Portfolio value was $856,279.43 at the end of October. Return YTD was 4.03%, XIRR YTD was 5.86%, and XIRR since inception was 4.52%.

Link to Yaruzi's low cost portfolio as of October 2019